The CKFTO Count Me In® Puppet Show Is a disability awareness program. It is targeted to pre-school and primary school children to educate about their peers with disabilities and assist in efforts to implement programs of inclusion. It features seven endearing child size multicultural puppets that portray children with disabilities. These puppets have proven to be effective communicators in helping dispel fears, myths and misconceptions about people with disabilities.
Helps children and adults learn about bullying prevention. It features five endearing multicultural, child-size puppets that portray children with and without disabilities. The program presents three skits focusing on different types of bullying (physical, verbal and social/exclusion) and lasts approximately 30 - 35 minutes. The presentation is interactive and includes opportunities for the students to share their ideas and ask questions.
Want to attend our fun, exciting and educational Puppet Shows? Simply send us an email by clicking on the button below specifying your details and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!